Come and visit us, we'd love to meet you
Hall Lane is an active church with thirty-eight members with a wide age range attending morning worship. Our ladies group and lunch club are particularly well attended and we have an active social calendar and support a different charity each year. Every year we celebrate a theme, this year's theme is 'Called to Care'.
We’re located in Whitwick (pronounced Witik) and are part of the National Forest East circuit of the Methodist Church. Our circuit consists of thirteen churches serving an area within the National Forest. Although we are situated in Leicestershire we are part of the Nottingham and Derby District.
'We believe we are called to share our knowledge and faith in Jesus with others so that our families, friends, neighbours and those we meet in everyday life may be encouraged to follow Jesus for themselves.’.
Download the latest newsletter here, featuring all the latest news and events at our church and details of those still to come!
Kindness matters, still
Be kind and compassionate to one another...
Ephesians 4:32