Ladies Group

This group meets every other week on a Wednesday starting 11th September 2024 and is open to ladies of all ages and new members are always welcome.  

The sessions begin with a time of devotions together with a hymn and a prayer.  There is often a guest speaker invited to share with the group – we’ve heard about National Trust properties, various local and national charities, backpacking across Europe and sometimes we have a demonstration and perhaps have a go at something crafty.  We go out for afternoon tea, fish and chip suppers and outings and we regularly hold social evenings with games or a quiz and we always have a cup of tea and cake and biscuits!  

The charity we are supporting this year is the Air Ambulance. There will be various opportunities to help raise funds through 2024/25.

A small charge of £3 each meeting is made to cover the cost of refreshments and the speakers.