News & Events at Hall Lane

Here are some of the momentus occasions that we've witnessed at Hall Lane over recent years.

Summer Fair  & Outdoor Service 2024

Nicholas Martin

Coffee morning in aid of "Rainbows"

Coffee morning in aid of "All We Can"

Posada journey ends on Christmas day

Christingle service

Posada journey continues...

Carol Service 2023

Carol Singing 2023

Advent Window 2023

Las Posadas journey 2023 begins

Coffee morning 4/11/23

Remembrance Window

Oh what a night!

Pam Rhodes 

Appointment of the Joint Superintendents

Coffee Morning July 2023

Bible Study

June was bible month and the book of Revelation was studied at Hall Lane.

Revs John Hudson and Phil Snelson led the studies which have been enlightening for all who attended.

To illustrate different passages through the book of Revelation John used photographs that he'd taken previously at an exhibition of embroidery by Jacqui Parkinson. The exhibition was called 'Threads through Revelation' and they helped focus our minds on what we were studying.

Open air service

Summer fair

Coronation of his Majesty

Coffee morning May 2023

Memorial garden dedication

Easter flowers 2023

Good Friday

Maundy Thursday Seder Meal

Easter Garden 2023

BBC Big Sing 2022

Carol Service 2022

Carol Singing 2022

Remembrance 2022

Church Anniversary 2022

Harvest 2022

Thanks to everyone who donated food to our harvest festival at Hall Lane Methodist Church today. It will be taken to Coalville Food Bank this week.

Harvest Lunch

Coffee Morning July 23rd

BBQ July 24th 

Summer Fair & Outdoor Service July 2022

New Membership July 2022

On Pentecost Sunday, 5 June, Hall Lane officially welcomed Becky Snelson and Roy and June Jarvis as members to its congregation. The service was led by Rev Phil Snelson and cakes were served afterwards to celebrate.

Jubilee Celebrations June 2022

Easter 2022

Good Friday Walking The Cross

Today a wooden cross has been carried from Hall Lane Methodist Church to Greenhill Community Church and then on to St David's Church, who are all part of our local Churches Together group. Then we returned to Hall Lane ready for our Good Friday Service. We stopped traffic, waved to passengers on buses as they went by and chatted to people we met along the way.
Our service at Hall Lane followed the story of Jesus's crucifixion from the book of John. The cross was draped with purple cloth and a crown of thorns and more elements from the story were added to the scene.
Hot cross buns were served up after the service to all who attended the service.

Easter Window 2022

Coffee Morning for Ukraine march 26th 2022

Thank you to all that supported our charity event today, it was hard work eating so much cake! It was wonderful to see so many people together again and all united in our thoughts and prayers for Ukraine. A total of £1300 was raised.

Church Window March 2022

Worship Team Service 20th Feb 2022

Morning worship this morning was led by the Hall Lane Worship Group and was put together and presented by Joan Fennell. The service reflected on readings from the Psalms and Jeremiah chapter 18 and how Jesus moulds us into better human beings if we let Him. Everyone was given a polished stone to hold during the service and at the end was invited to bring it forward to build a cairn. The service ended with some words from St Julian of Norwich, “If I look at myself I am nothing, but if I look at us all I am hopeful; For I see the unity of love among all my fellow Christians. In this unity lies our salvation.”

Church Window Dec 2021

Church Window Nov 2021

November 2021

A waterfall of red flowers has been created at Hall Lane today. The flowers have all been hand made from empty cans, plastic bottles and other recycled materials. Take a look if you’re passing the church and spend a moment to remember the fallen.

Church Window 0ct 2021

Rev Phil Snelson Welcome Service Sept 2021

Retirement of Rev Janet Tanner - July 2021

Church Window Pentecost 2021

Church Window April 2021 - thank you litter pickers!

Church Window April 2021 - tbc.......

His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 1921 - 2021

Lord God

We give thanks for the long life of Prince Philip, for all that he has contributed to our nation and beyond, and for his support of our Queen. We pray that he will be at rest trusting in the grace of God.

We remember before you Her Majesty the Queen and her family praying that they will know your comfort and strength in the days to come.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

The President and Vice-President of the Conference

Easter Sunday 2021

Good Friday and Easter 2021

Church Window Easter 2021

Church Window March 2021

Church Window February 2021 - March 2021

Church Window February 2021

Church Window Epiphany 2021

Church Window Jan 2021 - Thank you

Church Window Christmas 2020

Church Window Remembrance 2020

Charlie Dodd  baptism 8 March 2020

On Sunday 8th March 2020 we welcomed the family and friends of Peter and Sam and Max Dodd on the wonderful occasion of the baptism of baby Charlie. Rev Janet Tanner led the service with contributions from members of the congregation. Special thanks go to the grandfather of Charlie - Peter who played the piano for the service.

Toddler Group 10th Anniversary party

Congratulations to Dorothy and Martin on your wedding day! 8 February 2020

Carol singing 21 December 2019

National Forest East and Sherwood Forest Circuit Holy Land Pilgrimage 2019


Hall Lane welcomed Roland Cox and Jenny Blount into membership on 1st September during the morning service. The theme of the service led by Rev Janet Tanner was ‘Welcome’ and the bible passage for the day was taken from Luke chapter 14. 

 Jenny and Roland chose the song ‘In Christ Alone’ by Stuart Townend to be included in the service and it was sung with great gusto. A good start to the Methodist new year!

50th Anniversary Events
For the Love of Trains 2017
Flower Festival 2017
Caribbean Festival 2016
Mad Hatter Fair 2014
Strawberry Fair 2013
Christmas Festival 2011
Scarecrow Festival 2010

Summer Fair 2019 "Carry on films theme"

Easter Garden 2019

Maundy Thursday Seder Meal Easter 18 April 2019

At our Passover Seder meal held on Maundy Thursday our minister, Rev Janet Tanner, led us through a story of deliverance, freedom, and redemption. The journey suggested that we should consider ourselves as slaves in Egypt, that we have walked in darkness, so that we might celebrate the deliverance in the Exodus as our own deliverance. It is in that spirit of community that we entered this Passover celebration. 

First of all we removed the Chametz, the leaven (loaf of bread), to symbolize our willingness to obey God in preparation for celebrating the deliverance he has already brought to his people.

Our Seder then began with the lighting of the Passover candles symbolising the presence of God and to mark the occasion as sacred time.

God gave promises of freedom to His people and with four cups from the fruit of the vine we celebrated God’s promises to Israel and to us. Each cup represented Freedom, Deliverance, Redemption, and Thanksgiving for fulfilling His promises that allows us to be His people. 

Passover is a Springtime festival, the season of rebirth, renewal, and new life. The days are filled with more light than darkness. The earth is becoming green with new life. Janet took a sprig of fresh Parsley and explained that this vegetable, called Karpas, represents life, created and sustained by the Lord our God. We are filled with joy at the goodness of God in loving us and caring for us, and bringing into our lives all good things. Janet then lifted up the bowl of salt water to remind us that we were celebrating the freedom and deliverance that God brought to us as slaves in Egypt. But we must not forget that life in Egypt was hard and filled with pain and suffering and tears. We were reminded never to forget that the struggle for freedom begins in suffering, and that life is sometimes immersed in tears.  

We all then all ate a Salad starter

Next Janet uncovered three Matzot (cracker breads), and used the following words:

This is the bread of affliction which our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt.

All who are hungry come and eat.

All who are needy come and celebrate Passover with us.

Now we celebrate it here.

Next year, may we celebrate Passover in Jerusalem.

Now we are slaves. Next year may we be truly free.

On our Matzot (crackerbreads) we tasted Maror (horseradish) to represent bitterness, Karpas (parsley) to represent life, Charoset (a mix of apple, honey and nuts) to remind us of the sweetness that God can bring into the most bitter of circumstances. 

We then shared a main course and puddings and lots of chatter. 

Our evening ended with the candles being blown out. 

Jesus has brought to us a new freedom from the chains of oppression and sin that enslave us. Jesus celebrated Passover with his disciples on the night before he was betrayed and delivered up to be crucified. He commanded that his disciples partake of the bread and the wine as emblems of his broken body and shed blood. We partake of these elements to participate in the new life, in the new birth that God in Jesus the Christ has provided for us. 

‘We praise you O Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who in kindness, goodness, and grace gives food to the world, whose love for us endures forever. We praise you, O Lord, who provides food for all life.

May the Holy One, who makes peace in the heavens, make peace for us and for all people. Amen.’

Church Working Party 23 March 2019

Church Lunch 27 January 2019

Christmas Carol Service 23 December 2018

Community Carol Singing 22nd December 2018
(including Posada!)

Loraine Mellor visit 9/12/18

We've just enjoyed tea with friends from Messy Church and Loraine Mellor, past President of Conference and current Chair of Notts & Derby District.

We followed tea with a relaxed time of worship when Loraine shared stories from her time as President including her visits to Uganda and Fiji, and not being able to find her way out of the Foreign Office following the Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph in London.

“Posada”is an old Mexican tradition where young people dressed as Mary & Joseph travelled from house to house telling people about the coming of Jesus at Christmas.   As we did last year we are joining with many other churches this Advent in “Posada”.  Mary, Joseph and Daniel (the donkey) stay in various homes each day/night between Advent Sunday (2 Dec) & Christmas Eve (24 Dec).

In our hearts & minds we remember the journey Mary & Joseph made from Nazareth to Bethlehem at the first Christmas.

Mary, Joseph & Daniel will be arriving  at the Stable at Hall Lane Methodist Church on Sunday 24 Dec at 4pm during our Christingle Service to which all are welcome. And Jesus will appear on….. Christmas Day at 10am!

  Loving God,

  as we start our “Posada” journey this Advent Sunday

  we pray that we may all benefit from this focus on the

  journey Mary & Joseph made from Nazareth to


  We especially pray for those whose plans this Christmas

  involve travelling.

  As we all travel in the journey of life, unite us in your

  love and help us to draw comfort & strength from one

  another and to grow in love & grace.

  Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Chair of the District Loraine Mellor Visit 9th December 2018

Rev'd Loraine Mellor

Chair of the Nottingham and Derby District Lorraine Mellor is visiting Hall Lane to chat about her year as President of Conference.

Come and join in - tea starts at 4.30pm

Get your free ticket from one of the stewards

Circuit Holiday 2018 to Bridlington

Outdoor Service 1 July 2018

Summer Fair 30 June 2018 - Wimbledon

Coffee Morning 16 June 2018

Maundy Service 29 March 2018

Ladies Fellowship Charity Coffee Morning 10 March 2018

A total of £371.73 was raised during a very busy 2 hours of tea, coffee and cake.

Church Lunch 28 Jan 2018

Just enjoyed a lovely Sunday lunch after morning service today. Good food and fellowship.

Hall Lane at the Lady Jane; Radio Leicester's Sing Christmas

Community Carol Singing

A good number of folk came carol singing around the locality tonight. It was cold but the snow and ice had cleared away. Several people came to their doors and we sang their favourite carols. On Tressall Road we had several families with children come out and join us. More friends of Hall Lane joined us at our final point and we all sang together followed by mince pies, sausage rolls and a cup of tea. A good night!

Hall Lane Nativity Scene 2017

Posada Dec 2017

Posada” is an old Mexican tradition where young people dressed as Mary & Joseph travelled from house to house telling people about the coming of Jesus at Christmas.

As the special year of celebrations for our 50th Anniversary draws to a close we are joining with many other churches across the country this Advent in “Posada”.

Mary, Joseph and Daniel (the donkey) stay in various homes each day/night between Advent Sunday (3 Dec) & Christmas Eve (24 Dec).

In our hearts & minds we remember the journey Mary & Joseph made from Nazareth to Bethlehem at the first Christmas.

Mary, Joseph & Daniel will be arriving at the Stable at Hall Lane Methodist Church on Sunday 24 Dec at 4pm during our Christingle Service to which all are welcome.

And Jesus will appear on ….   Christmas Day at 10am!

Loving God,

As we start our “Posada” journey this Advent Sunday we pray that we may all benefit from this focus on the journey Mary & Joseph made from Nazareth to Bethlehem.

We especially pray for those whose plans this Christmas involve travelling.

As we all travel in the journey of life, unite us in your love and help us to draw comfort & strength from one another and to grow in love & grace.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Safari Supper 18 November 2017

Home cooked food was served up at our Safari Supper on Saturday 18th November. 32 people enjoyed a three course meal prepared by Mark, Lesley, Marcus and Allison. Dimmed lighting, music and good company made the evening a good night out.

Hall Lane Dedication of the New Window


Lord of Light, in the beginning you separated the light from the darkness, and said it was good. You are the true light, which enlightens all people. May the light that shines through this window be a blessing to us, and remind us of your true light. This window which we now dedicate to you, for the adornment of this place and the inspiration of your people. Grant that as the light shines through it in its many colours, so our lives may show forth the beauty of your many gifts of grace, that through it, your grace may illuminate our worship and our lives; for once were in darkness, but now in you we are light, One Church, One faith, One Lord. Bless all those whose skill and care has designed and built its beauty, and all who look at and through it, seeking to glimpse your glory, and grant that we may be restored in your love and, though now we see dimly, we may see you face to face: We make this prayer through your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen

Quiet Day at the Monastery 7 October 2017

We had an enjoyable Quiet Day at the Monastery today. The weather was good so we could wander around the lovely grounds. Lots of
time for contemplation on our theme 'Is there room in our space for God today?'

For the Love of Trains 2017

Part of the 2017 Golden Jubilee Celebrations at Hall Lane Methodist Church (Whitwick, Leicestershire LE67 5PF)

This was not a typical “Model Railway Show” but ideal for all who have any interest in trains or model railways.

Flower Festival August 11 to 13 2017

One of the biggest and most popular events held this year was our flower festival. Over a 1000 flowers where used during the festival with stunning effect. Click on the arrangements below to see the festival in all its glory.

Film Night - Viceroys House July 19 2017

Quiet Day 25 July 2017

Street Party July 8 2017

The sun was shining, it's been a beautiful day ... Lots of games for the children (and grown ups), bouncy castle, races and a game or two of bingo. What a great way to spend a sunny afternoon. Thanks for coming everyone and taking part in our street party.

'More Tea Vicar? An Interview with Frank Williams

Vicar of Dad's Army TV series and film talked about his life as a real life vicar and his time on TV and in film. 

Everybody loves Dad's Army. Even after 50 years it continues to pull huge viewing figures becoming one of the all-time classic ‘greats’ of television, also enjoying West-End success, a Royal Variety Performance, a national tour, a themed cruise and now the new feature film in which Frank returns as the vicar. 

David Croft and Jimmy Perry chose Frank to create the role of the wonderfully eccentric vicar who was always slightly tetchy as he tried to come to terms with the elderly platoon’s invasion of his beloved church hall. We joined Frank as he celebrated a lifetime on Stage, TV, Film and the legendary BBCTV series. In an entertaining trip down memory lane, Frank gave a unique glimpse behind the scenes and stories of the celebrated TV & Film casts of Dad's Army & a host of other TV classics such as Emergency Ward 10; All Gas & Gaiters; Morecambe & Wise; The Two Ronnie’s and many more.
Frank was interviewed by author & entertainer Chris Gidney in a lively evening of television nostalgia and signed copies of his best-selling autobiography, Vicar to Dad's Army. 

Coffee Morning  24 June 2017

Yummy home baked cakes, a cup of tea and a chat. Friends met and some new ones made. Hand made cards were sold along with plants, tubs and hanging baskets. 


Happy 10th Birthday Lunch Club

Pentecost Afternoon Tea 4 June 2017

Pam Rhodes, Evening of Hymns & Songs 3rd June

Easter Garden Transformed May 2017

Film Night - Dad's Army - 27th May 2017

BBC Down to Earth May 11th 2017

Paul Field Concert 6th May 2017

What a fantastic evening, Paul Field sounds just as good live as he does on his recordings. Great guy, friendly and easy to work with, look forward to seeing him again.

Coffee Morning 29th April 2017

Working Party 22nd April 2017

Film Night - A Street Cat Named Bob 22nd April 2017

Based on the international best selling book. The true feel-good story of how James Bowen, a busker and recovering drug addict, had his life transformed when he met a stray ginger cat..

Easter Garden 2017

Daffodils March 2017

Our daffodils are bringing a bright splash of springtime to Whitwick.

Lent Film Study March 2017

A Six week course led by Rev John Hudson. The first week we watched the film The King's Speech followed by five study weeks looking at different elements of the film.

Coffee Morning 25th February 2017

The smell of delicious home baked cakes just coming out of the oven ready for our coffee morning at Hall Lane Methodist Church, extra help has been brought in.

Prayer Labyrinth 17th & 18th February

Our Prayer Labyrinth was a lovely, calming experience which helped to reduce stress, quieten your mind and open your heart. 

Film Night - Swallows and Amazons - 28th January 2017

Hope everyone enjoyed Swallows and Amazons at our first film night tonight. It was a good turnout so tell your friends that there will be another one planned soon.

Sunday Lunch January 8th 2017

Great lunch today at Hall Lane - thanks to all the organisers and helpers - it started our anniversary year off perfectly!

Happy New Year

Rev Loraine Mellor

On September 1st the National Forest East Circuit celebrated the beginning of the new connexional year for Methodism with a service that took place at Hall Lane. Chairman of the District, Rev Loraine Mellor, preached about the need for churches to move with the times in our approach to mission and how we must ‘repackage’ ourselves. Rev John Hartley was recognised as the Circuit’s new superintendent minister and two new ministers were welcomed into the Circuit. Rev Jacqueline Goaten is a probationer minister and will oversee the Ashby side of the circuit and Rev Janet Tanner will move into the Whitwick side of the circuit. Rev Diane Grice continues to serve the Castle Donington area and Rev John Hartley the Melbourne area.

A good time of praise and worship took place followed by a time of fellowship over refreshments.

Rev Janet Tanner
Rev Jacqueline Goaten

Cheque Presentations

Hall Lane Ladies Fellowship

Cheques amounting to £1,800 have been donated to a number of local charities over the past year by Hall Lane Methodist Church Ladies Fellowship.  Events were organised throughout the year to raise the money which included a fashion show and several coffee mornings. 

Charities that have benefitted from a donation have been Olivia’s Journey, Thringstone School House, ADHD Solutions, a new support group for cancer sufferers, Shepshed 1st Responders and a craft group for autistic children. 

Our fellowship meets every other week on a Wednesday evening and enjoys a varied programme of speakers, activities and outings.  Ladies of all ages are very welcome to join us.  

Cheque presented to local charity 

Hall Lane Ladies Fellowship

For the past 12 months, the Hall Lane Methodist Church Ladies Fellowship in Whitwick has been working hard raising funds for a local charity called 'Coping with Cancer'.  It is a charity that provides practical and emotional support to anyone affected by cancer. 

A number of events and projects were organised through the year to raise funds which were all supported by the wider church.  These included coffee mornings, card sales, quizzes, and a Ukulele concert to name just a few.

A grand total of £2,220 has been handed over to a representative from the charity at the AGM of the Ladies Fellowship. 

Coffee Morning

The cake stall at the coffee morning held on saturday 28th February did a roaring trade. Victoria sponges, fairy cakes, cheesecake and Monica's renowned Bakewell Tart sold out very quickly. All proceeds were for the ladies fellowship charity for 2014\15 - the Leicestershire and Rutland Coping with Cancer Charity.

The World's Harvest

Alan and Margaret Clarke with Robert and Natalie Missenden

A harvest supper was held at Hall Lane Methodist Church on the evening of Saturday 4th Saturday. Thirty people came along to enjoy a hot supper and to take part in a fun quiz which included rounds of identifying vegetables from around the world such as okra, prickly pear and lemon grass and the price of groceries at a local supermarket.

The eventual winners were Alan and Margaret Clarke with Robert and Natalie Missenden, it was an exciting finish with the last round deciding the top four teams. 

The next morning we enjoyed our Harvest Festival and all contributions from members and church groups were distributed within the local area and to Coalville’s food bank.

Methodist Church on the evening of Saturday 4th Saturday. Thirty people came along to enjoy a hot supper and to take part in a fun quiz which included rounds of identifying vegetables from around the world such as okra, prickly pear and lemon grass and the price of groceries at a local supermarket.The eventual winners were Alan and Margaret Clarke with Robert and Natalie Missenden, it was an exciting finish with th last round deciding the top four teams.The next morning we enjoyed our Harvest Festival and all contributions from members and church groups were distributed within the local area and to Coalville’s food bank.  

A Mad Hatters Tea Party Summer 2014

Anita, Colin, Dot, Alan and Sonia

This years summer fair had the theme of a Mad Hatters tea party. Rev Colin dressed up as the Mad Hatter, Dot was the Queen of Hearts, Anita was Alice and Alan was the White Rabbit.

The refreshment table was decorated with giant teapots, red balloons and lots of hearts. 

 It was a great day and £1400 was raised for church funds.

Summer "Strawberry" Fair   Saturday 6 July 2013

Strawberry Fair Cake

Hall Lane’s Strawberry Fair was a huge success.  Held at the beginning of July we were blessed with perfect weather which brought out the crowds looking for strawberry sundaes, home baked cakes, plants, books and lots of silly games to play.

Whitwick Historical Group brought a display of photographs about the history of Whitwick and Mark and Alan brought their model trains and fairground displays.  A clown entertained the children and a cake decorating demonstration was enjoyed by the more crafty visitors.

It was a lovely day for sitting around just chatting and enjoying meeting our neighbours from the surrounding area.

Coffee Morning Saturday 16th March 2013

Coffee Morning

The church held a Coffee Morning from 10am until 12 noon and despite the miserable weather the church was filled from start to finish! Good company, tea and especially cake was enjoyed by all as well as numerous raffle prizes. Thank you to all who donated items, time, assistance and to everyone joining us - a total of £300 was raised.

Willersley Castle Holiday 2012

Willersley Castle Holiday

On the weekend of 12th to 14th October 2012 a group of 24 members and friends of Hall Lane travelled to Willersley Castle in Derbyshire for a church weekend. 

There was a full programme planned starting with a beetle drive on the Friday evening that was won by Kim. 

On Saturday – after a full English breakfast – the group split into two groups with the more active members going for a walk from Monsel Head to Bakewell while the others went for a more leisurly amble to Tideswell to see the Cathedral of the Dales and then on to Bakewell to feed the ducks (although we later found out it wasn’t allowed).  After getting soaked in a downpour we all went on to Haddon Hall where we explored the family home of the Manners family.

In the evening we all took part in a quiz which saw everyone rushing round the castle looking for clues – Mark, Lesley, Jean and Derek won the prize.

On Sunday morning – after another full English breakfast we all went to the Methodist church in nearby Cromford only to find they were having a joint service with the Anglicans so we all trooped along to St Marys which was a church built by Sir Richard Arkwright. 

After a three course lunch we travelled on to Crich to ride on the trams and then we all went home several pounds heavier than when we arrived.


On sunday 30th September Hall Lane recieved a Mystery Worshipper form the website

"Dear Hall Lane Methodist Church

I was a mystery shopper 2 weeks ago. For a website called The aim is to improve Sunday worship. Here is an advance draft copy - the editor may make changes.  I was not sent to your church it was just the nearest church on our journey, my mobile phone internet connection, my sat nav and of course your website. I like your website but would love to see the worship time more prominently displayed on the home page. Thanks for a wonderful service and warm welcome. I wish you all ... the church members and Minister all the best as we strive to build God’s Kingdom on earth.

Kind regards
Mystery Shopper"

Mystery Worshipper: Local Preacher

The church: Hall Lane Methodist Church, Whitwick, Coalville Leicester. LE67 5PF

Denomination: Methodist

The building: Hall Lane Methodist Church was built in 1967. The aim was to build the church hall and then to build the church. They ran out of money once they built the hall. They meet in the hall which looks and feels like a place of worship.

The church: The hall is the worship area and the worship area feels spiritual and special. (Iwas far too nervous to take a picture inside so please take my word for it).

The neighbourhood: Hall Lane Methodist Church is situated on the outskirts of the village ofWhitwick on the edge of the town of Coalville. It’s a lovely village with an annual scarecrow festival.

The cast: Reverend Linda Coates and Worship Leader/Steward Natalie Missenden

The date & time: Sunday 30th September 2012 at 10.30

What was the name of the service? Communion Service

How full was the building? 50% full

Did anyone welcome you personally? I was welcomed personally by the couple.

Was your pew comfortable? Very comfortable soft blue individual wide chairs. I could have sat in the chair for hours. Normally the chairs are in straight rows but for this service the chairs were arranged in groups of 5 in a half moon shape facing the front.

How would you describe the pre-service atmosphere? We arrived at 10.28 and they were singing ‘Be still’ which was quietly sang brought a peaceful atmosphere, before the service began.

What were the exact opening words of the service? Welcome to the service today. Today is back to church Sunday.

What books did the congregation use during the service? Methodist Worship Book and Methodist Hymn Book (1979)

What musical instruments were played? Piano

Did anything distract you? A momentary distraction when the Minister said the chairs have been arranged this way so you can move from group to group to talk to eachother. I was looking around thinking do I have to move!

Was the worship stiff-upper-lip, happy clappy, or what? Traditional worship

Exactly how long was the sermon? There was not a sermon as such. It was more a series of short addresses.

On a scale of 1-10, how good was the preacher? 9 out of 10. Reverend Linda Coates was filled with the Spirit and she paused and empathised words that she wanted us to remember.

In a nutshell, what was the sermon about? No sermon given, it was a series of short addresses.

The addresses discussed - how there are storms in our lives, the neonatal unit in a hospital and what sustains us through the storm and what builds us up. Between each address we spoke in small groups about our favourite foods and favourite music and hymns. The Minister said ‘I know all of my church members and they have let me share and help in their storms in their life’.

Which part of the service was like being in heaven? In our small groups we picked our favourite hymn to share with the congregation. When each small group feedback their favourite hymn the aim was for us to pick one hymn to sing. The preacher quickly realised there was a problem, we wanted 4 different hymns including ‘And can it be’ and ‘what a friend we have in Jesus’. She thought quickly on her feet and said ‘let’s sing one verse of each of the 4 hymns’ which was like heaven to me.

And which part was like being in... er... the other place? None

What happened when you hung around after the service looking lost? I met many members of the congregation who were friendly and invited me to stay for coffee. As soon as the service ended

I was asked ‘Do you think we are a welcoming church?’ unsure what to say as I was a mystery shopper I paused. She added ‘we worry about how people experience our church from a newcomers perspective’. So I can answer now it is a welcoming church.

How would you describe the after-service coffee? Nescafé style coffee with biscuits.

How would you feel about making this church your regular (where 10 = ecstatic, 0 = terminal)? 9 out of 10. The congregation was across a wide age range. The music was good and the congregation was friendly.

Did the service make you feel glad to be a Christian? Yes

Coffee Morning

Coffee Morning

A recent coffee morning held to raise funds for the ladies fellowship was well attended. There was a cake stall, nearly new, raffle and, of course, tea and cup cakes on sale. The huge amount of £264 was raised from the morning.

Christmas Festival


Our Christmas Festival held on the weekend of 3rd and 4th December 2011 was a huge success with hundreds of people coming along to see 'The Journey...'.

There were over 20 decorated Christmas Trees, each one depicting the journey of a person who was at the first Christmas in Bethlehem.  There was also a display of Christmas decorations and traditions.  Many groups from the church took part in decorating the building including the pre-school and toddler groups, and friends from Marlborough Methodist Church, New Swannington Youth Groups and Whitwick Cubs also helped with decorating trees.

Our two special services led by Rev Lynda Coates were well attended and the Christingles were particularly well received.

Many thanks to everyone who helped to make the weekend so successful.

Quiz Night

Lesley, Allison, Natalie and Marcus

A recent quiz that took place in September at The George and  Dragon was a fun night with winners being Natalie, Lesley, Marcus and Allison and runners up Margaret, Liz, Alan and Nick.