“Posada” is an old Mexican tradition where young people dressed as Mary & Joseph travelled from house to house telling people about the coming of Jesus at Christmas.
As the special year of celebrations for our 50th Anniversary draws to a close we are joining with many other churches across the country this Advent in “Posada”.
Mary, Joseph and Daniel (the donkey) stay in various homes each day/night between Advent Sunday (3 Dec) & Christmas Eve (24 Dec).
In our hearts & minds we remember the journey Mary & Joseph made from Nazareth to Bethlehem at the first Christmas.
Mary, Joseph & Daniel will be arriving at the Stable at Hall Lane Methodist Church on Sunday 24 Dec at 4pm during our Christingle Service to which all are welcome.
And Jesus will appear on …. Christmas Day at 10am!
Loving God,
As we start our “Posada” journey this Advent Sunday we pray that we may all benefit from this focus on the journey Mary & Joseph made from Nazareth to Bethlehem.
We especially pray for those whose plans this Christmas involve travelling.
As we all travel in the journey of life, unite us in your love and help us to draw comfort & strength from one another and to grow in love & grace.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.